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Sofa Base Upholstery

Sofa Webbing

Webbing is an elasticated woven strap around 3 inches in diameter that is often used to support the seating platform of a sofa.
Webbing is the lowest cost option for a sofa manufacturer when it comes to the seating platform. Webbing is quick and easy for them to install by simply stretching it across the frame and securing at each side.
If you're looking for a sofa that is going to get a lot of use, say in a busy family home, then it is recommended that you avoid a webbed sofa and look for something that is steel sprung. Webbing quickly stretches and loses its elasticity with heavy use and can cause the seating area of the sofa to sink.
Steel springs, such as serpentine springs are strong, durable and will last a lot longer than webbing. Paying a little extra for quality springs may save you money in the long run.

Serpentile Springs or S Sprung

Serpentine springs are springs made from steel wire that is shaped into a continuous s shape. The steel wire used to make serpentine springs is typically 9 gauges, but can vary from one manufacturer to the next.

Steel serpentine springs are the most common type of steel spring used to support the seating platform of a sofa. High quality sofas will sometimes have serpentine springs that are copper coated to prevent corrosion.

When out shopping for your new sofa it is worth noting how many springs are used in the construction of the sofa. More springs that are used the firmer the seating will be. Five serpentine springs per seat is recommended.

All serpentine springs should be joined together horizontally with cord. This is to ensure that all springs act as one when supporting the weight of the person sitting down. Without these joining cords the steel springs are likely to break away from their anchors or snap all together.

Pocket Springs

Pocket springs are individual springs manufactured from high tensile steel that are then wrapped in their own pocket of fabric, hence the name “Pocket Springs”.
Pocket springs were originally designed for use in high end mattresses. Today the use of pocket springs in sofas is becoming more and more popular. Pocket springs can be found in both removable and non removable seat cushions.

Is a Pocket sprung sofa right for me?

The fabric pocket used to cover each spring allows them to slide up and down independently, so unlike other springing systems they don’t work together as one unit. This makes pocket springs an ideal choice if two users of the same sofa vary greatly in weight. As the pocket springs are free to move and work on their own, the heavier person should not have an effect on the person sat on the next seat.
Pocket springs can help to keep your sofa looking great. Every time you get up from a pocket sprung sofa all the springs expand. This helps to maintain the shape of the seat cushion.
A sofa using quality pocket springs will last longer than a sofa using a cheaper block foam interior. Cheap foam breaks down with time and loses its support, but with pocket springs you should get consistent support throughout the life of the sofa.

  • 11
  • 07-Aug-2017